Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cell Theory Rap

Here it is, the World famous Cell Theory Rap! I know you want to sing along!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Cell is Like a Factory...

Today we compared the parts of a cell to the parts of a factory. While these two objects do not seem to be alike in any way, they actually are! Think about it. A cell has a control center- the nucleus. A factory has a controller- the plant manager. A cell has a guard- the cell membrane. A factory has a guard- the security. The cell analogy project we started in class today will be due on Friday.

If you are ever looking for a fun family outing, visit the JellyBelly factory in Fairfield, Ca. It takes about 90 minutes to get there, but it is so much fun, and interesting. While you're there, be sure to explain to your tour guide how the factory floor is like the cell's cytoplasm and the workers are like ribosomes!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Study Stack Organelles!

Link Updated!Click below to practice with the stack of all 28 words.

Just released: the study stack for the flashcards handed out in class 10/8/08. You can expect a quiz on Friday 10/10. Be sure to start studying early! Also, check out the link below. The cells alive website offers a really great look into cells and the functions of their organelles. Spend a few minutes looking at it!

Click Here for StudyStack!
Click Here for a cool interactive cells website!

Mr. Simpson